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Well I am a happy fun loving person. Easy to get on with. Love to be kept busy and I have all sorts of interests as you can see by my hobbies.

Thursday 8 December 2011

To wash or not to wash that is the question

Well sorry to keep you all hanging I nearly forgot....anyway this is how the story goes..

Umm the ends are soft...
It smells
It doesn't smell
Well no not at the moment but sometimes it does...
But there is no dandruff or anything
I know but I need to wash my hair
I'll see if Liz will let you braid and band...

Liz: it is still soft the ends might unravel
It smells
When does it smell after the gym
Yes then and sometimes in between
My husband says it smells
He is only saying that because he knows you haven't washed it...

Liz: ok if you want to wash it this is what you need to do

Yeah, yeah, yeah I got permission to wash my hair I got permission to wash my hair...Don't you think I put up a good argument!!!!! LOL  My husband says but ah nuh your head!!!

Hey I couldn't get to the shop fast enough to buy the T Gel Neutrogena shampoo and elastic bands...I would have washed it as soon as I got home but I had to go out that evening and you know what I actually liked the way it looked and really didn't want to spoil the style...

But Sunday 27 November three days away from 6 months I got out my coloured bands sat down and begun...

Kiss my damn teeth what a palaver...dem stupid little bands kept busting the room look liked a rainbow with multi coloured bands all over it where they kept flying away...30 minutes later with much larger plaits than I was advised I was finally braided and band and water hadn't even touched my head.  Cha....

Anyways in the shower I go and I was like you know what if it unravels it does but I don't think it will...So....ahhhhhhh water on my head how refreshing lovely...ahhh hold on not too long now you don't want to get them to soaking wet...oh my this aint a proper wash...I get out my T Gel shampoo put a little in my head and massage gently as instructed.

Ahhhhhh water on my head again...not too much now...remember ends could unravel damn man I can't enjoy this experience as much as I wanted.  Ohhh just one more wash just one more OK a little massage gently...Here we go again... Lovely.

Out you come now.  Now to take them silly bands off and undo the plaits...Umm actually quite easy to undo.

Blot with a towel and hey shake those locks urrr well I think hey are still locks they look a it like a fuzzy afro....Anyway shake those locks...My son says OK mum yes your hair has grown.


Slowly they dry and I feel each stage umm curly, fizzy, oh dear what will the outcome be...

umm a bit fizzy...but it aint dry yet...

And you know what they came out fine.  No unravelling at all.  It dried fine and kept the same style...Although Liz said no oil I did rub a bit in the middle of my hand and massage the scalp.  The I put a little bit of lavender essential oil in my spray bottle and sprayed my hair in the morning.  Result lovely soft light hair.  I was only advised to wash it the once though and the amount effort it took it may just take another six months before water touches this head again....

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