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Well I am a happy fun loving person. Easy to get on with. Love to be kept busy and I have all sorts of interests as you can see by my hobbies.

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Its 2 months

Hey well long time no chat on my blog.  It has been two months since my installation.  Nothing much really has happened it's just there looking good and growing yes growing (yeah I know not an usual thing for hair to do but you know what I mean).  You know why I emphasise the growing - well because so many people have said "its growing" uhhh yes it does do that you know!!!!  I suppose what they mean is they actually notice the growth more now...I am sure my hair has always grown but no way did they notice it like they do now....

Well as I said in my last blog there was a bit of "slippage" (hey note learning the terminology) and I was told to "keep my hands outta my hair" I am sure all you lock sisters have been told that - but it is just so lovely to feel they look so cute you just want to sit there are wind them around your fingers.

You know what I just can't wait to do - WASH MY HAIR I can't wait and I am going to take a whole afternoon to do just that it will be such a pleasure to have the water run through my hair....cos it kinda needs a good wash now...

Another thing for all those women out there who think because they work in the corporate field they can't do sisterlocks their hair well you know what I work in he city for a big law firm where you can't get any more corporate than that you know posher than posh....Well going out to lunch one day one of the top partners said in his lardy dah voice "I have wanted to say something every time I walk pass your desk I really love your hair it really suits you"...well I said thank you with a big smile and called my friend Naomi to share the news....

OK so you want some pictures here goes:

Day 1

Remember the "chicken look" as my mum called it

Now two months later

and a special one going out to help my friend Naomi enjoy her birthday....

Gotta add this one....

my boy.....

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